While not the brains of machinery, a gearbox is certainly the heart. For mechanical components or units with a series of integrated gears within the same housing, it’s what increases or reduces speed. So, when not working correctly, it affects performance. This is when various industries reach out to a trusted source for industrial gearbox repair.
Commonly associated with machines and components in both the industrial and marine industries, a gearbox transfers energy from one device to another. It also works to increase torque while, at the same time, reducing speed. Consider gearboxes used in the marine industry. Replacing an entire system would require time and money, which is why industrial pump repair services are so critical.
Getting the Best Performance out of Gearboxes Possible
Whether utilizing pump repair or steam turbine repair services, with advanced technology, gearboxes do not only optimize performance. They also prevent downtime that can cause an array of problems, including unhappy customers. When purchasing a gearbox, you want the best you can afford. However, it’s just as important to provide ongoing maintenance.
If you don’t have anyone qualified in-house, you can always rely on a reputable source. Keep in mind that due diligence is important on your end. So, if a worker sees something that doesn’t look right, they need to inform you right away.
Below are some examples of the things that top experts in the field of industrial gearbox repair do as part of the services provided:
- Visual Inspections – The individual performing the steam turbine or industrial pump repair services will do a visual inspection of the gearboxes. In particular, they’ll look for signs of trouble, including oil leaks on the output or input shafts. They’ll also pay attention to any paint discoloration. If spotted, that could indicate an overheating issue.
- Listen for Specific Sounds – For steam turbine and industrial pump repair services, a professional will listen for certain sounds. While evaluating a gearbox, they can identify any excessive vibrations, which is a clear sign of potential trouble.
- Pitting or Spiraling – As another part of industrial gearbox repair, an expert looks for any signs of pitting or spiraling. Every gear has unique contact patterns. Those allow the gears to connect seamlessly. If a pattern becomes misaligned, there’s a good chance of worn-out housings or bearings.
- Endplay and Backlash – For both industrial pump and steam turbine repair services, a professional relies on a dial indicator to determine if endplay or backlash exists. In the case of endplay, the bearing or housings show wear and tear. As for backlash, that shows the gear’s teeth are possibly worn down.
- Breathers – It’s important that gearboxes have the appropriate type of breathers. This is especially crucial for machinery that operates in a dirty environment.
Things You Can Do In-House
Again, you can always reach out to a company that provides industrial pump and steam turbine repair services if needed. At the same time, you can do a few things on-site to ensure the gearboxes perform optimally.
For example, try to keep the machines or components as clean as possible. Also, be aware of any change in performance, odd noises, or strange vibrations. If anything stands out, contact a reputable company for assistance. Allied Marine and Industrial is an exceptional source that specializes in both steam turbine and industrial pump repair services. Call us today for more information.